Call to Order: The meeting was called to order via Zoom by the club president, Greg Noone, at 7:02 PM.
Minutes: The Secretary, Karen Horgan, presented the minutes from the March 17, 2021 general meeting. The minutes were approved as presented.
Financial Report: Greg Noone presented the financial report, with a cash balance of $805.20 as of March 25, 2021. The treasurer’s report was approved as presented.
NWTP hosted a candidate forum for candidates for School Board from Castleberry ISD and Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD. Each candidate addressed the following talking points: Background, Qualifications, Platform, Identify 3 biggest issues their district is facing.
Candidates speaking were:
Arnulfo Martinez, Place 3, Castleberry ISD
Dr. Marilyn Tolbert, EM-SISD, Place 1
Facebook – Re-elect Dr Marilyn Tolbert
Paige Ring (written remarks) EM-SISD, Place 2 Facebook – Paige RingPlace2
Membership Renewals: NWTP will be using Act Blue for new and renewing memberships in
2021. This online option is safe, secure and easy. Visit:
There were some questions and short discussion about the TRWD candidates. There was not really any consensus about the best candidates or which would be preferable for the positions.
Next meeting will be May 19, 2021
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.